Helen Hulsey: Artist-In-Residence
Helen Hulsey is passionate about giving a creative voice to purpose-driven brands. She is currently a junior advertising student at the University of Texas at Austin and is an active member of the Texas Creative portfolio program, in which she constructs integrated advertising campaigns with an emphasis on art direction. Since joining the One Good Turn team, she has produced various graphics to supplement OGT's educational materials and further its mission of making healthcare information more accessible. She is also a social media intern for Austin Music Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to uplifting the local music industry. Outside of school and work, Helen enjoys reading activist literature and exploring the city of Austin.
How did you first learn about OGT?
A UT staff member at the Counseling & Mental Health Center department forwarded me One Good Turn's information to let me know that OGT was in need of graphic design work. After looking into the organization and its valuable mission, I immediately decided to reach out.
What has been your favorite part of working at OGT?
I love being able to channel a passion of mine into something that can help people, especially in a time when healthcare information is more relevant than ever. It's also really rewarding to see projects come together after everyone's hard work! What is the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
I worked as a server at a sports bar that served wings and Vietnamese food. The job itself wasn't particularly weird, but in my years working there I met people from all walks of life and had quite a few weird interactions with customers. (Once someone sent back their fried rice because it 'smelled like puppies' - I'd call that pretty weird!)
What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?
Lately, I've been getting into yoga - I love finding secluded, scenic spots around Austin for a sunset yoga flow.
Ten years ago, who did you think you would be now?
Ten years ago I was ten, and I absolutely loved animals - I remember looking through my dad's National Geographic magazines and imagining myself as a wildlife veterinarian. I still feel drawn to environmental causes and would love to one day work with a brand like National Geographic or even do fieldwork with a wildlife sanctuary.
Ivy Yang: Research & Translation Intern

Ivy Yang is currently a senior at the University of Texas at Austin pursuing a degree in International Nutrition with a minor in Business and a Bridging Disciplines Program certificate in Ethics & Leadership in Healthcare. She is passionate about global health and policy and, during her time at UT, has been a part of many cultural organizations such as FSA and VSA, as well as helped organize UT’s Global Professional Training conference. She has also previously interned at Tan Tock Seng Hospital in Singapore and hopes to continue learning about global health this summer with One Good Turn. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a career abroad in public health and nutrition. In her free time, Ivy enjoys fitness and listening to music and podcasts.
How did you first learn about OGT?
I am a part of the Bridging Disciplines Certificate Program at UT and I found OGT through their Opportunities Blog. I was in search of an internship--preferably one that related to global health—and OGT seemed to be everything I had been looking for and more, involving not only global health but also medical science. Being an international nutrition major, I immediately knew this experience aligned well with my future career goals and would benefit me very much.
What has been your favorite part of working at OGT?
I love our team and the great communication we have with one another. We are truly a collaborative group and have accomplished so much while taking everyone’s input into consideration and valuing everyone’s opinions. Working together on the medical curriculum and our COVID-19 handbook has been an amazing experience and has set my standards high for future teams!
What is the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
I worked as a “gelatista” at a gelato shop/cafe for over a year. While the job itself wasn’t weird and consisted of typical cafe worker duties, the title of “gelatista” certainly was.
What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?
I love going on a walk or hike while listening to a true-crime podcast. Of course, most of this summer has been blazing hot so I can’t wait for the refreshing fall breeze.
Ten years ago, who did you think you would be now?
I had no idea what I wanted to be when I was 11—I'm still unsure even now! I probably expected to be in university but pursuing global health/international nutrition as well as a career abroad was a dream I only realized a few years ago after already having finished more than a year of college.